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April 26, 2019 2 min read

Number 1: Fights infections and reduces pain

Tannin contained in lavender blossoms fight against bacteria, act beneficially on any type of wounds and prevent infections. It also helps suppress nerve impulses that are responsible for pain. If you add only a dozen drops of lavender oil to 150 ml of water, you will get a natural and effective medicine to wash the infected area and cure it quickly.

Number 2 Relieves pain in the stomach
Lavender tea is an interesting way to modify the medicinal plant to use its qualities. It acts favorably on the digestive system, relaxing the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and reducing spasms throughout the abdomen. To alleviate the pain, just boil 2 teaspoons of fresh or dried lavender flowers in a glass of hot water for ten minutes, add a spoonful of honey and enjoy the unique flavor and aroma.

Number 3 Heals headaches
To soothe headaches, drink a cup of lavender tea, or apply lavender oil on your forehead and temples with massaging movements, avoiding the area around your eyes.

Number 4 Soothes itchy skin
Its natural anti-inflammatory effect successfully removes pruritus, prevents redness and swelling. Drop one or two drops to the bite and wait for about 15 minutes to absorb. This should be repeated every six to eight hours for the next 24 hours.

Number 5 Treats acne
Due to its antibacterial and antiseptic action, it is often a preferred remedy for acne and other skin inflammations. It cures quickly, soothing redness and inflammation and disinfecting the skin without scarring.

Number 6Keeps us moving

Only a few drops of lavender essential oil, combined with essential chamomile oil, relieve severe arthritis pain, stiffness, joint pain, and mobility impairment.

Number 7 Reduces stress
It has been proven, through scientific research, that the linalool, a substance contained in the lavender, soothes the nerves, removes the accumulated tension and helps reduce stress. The substance is contained in the aroma of lavender flowers, so you can just sow lavender in your yard and enjoy its fragrance and beauty. To get rid of the stress in your everyday life, you can also scatter lavender around the room to make an aromatic bath with leaf petals or lavender oil and relax.

Number 8 Heals emotional irritations
As mentioned, the melanol molecules are contained in the fragrance of the blossoms. They stimulate the nerves and balance the central nervous system. This makes lavender a natural remedy against stress, panic, depression and fatigue. To take advantage of this plant action, use lavender oil for massages throughout the body, especially around the spine and neck, make inhalations or just put a few drops on your hands and inhale it.

Number 9 Helps to overcome insomnia
It has antispasmodic properties and positively affects the nervous system, stifles stress and increased excitability. During the day when you feel tired, you can breathe the aroma of lavender from a bottle of oil.

Number 10 Makes your food healthier
Phytonutrients in lavender are herbal ingredients that have health effects for the body. A specially dried mixture of lavender flowers can be used as a spice for the food you are preparing. Sprinkle a small amount of the mixture on salted or roasted meat (best poultry), vegetables or whole grain couscous, brown rice or barley.

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